Friday, November 14, 2014

maddies cat

one day maddie went to the pet store.wen she got thare she saw a cat. it was black and white.she asked her mommy if she could get it.Her mommy seid yes. Maddie named it shawn.the end

Thursday, November 13, 2014


thare are lots of holidays like cristmis or holoyn or thanksgiving.ones angie my sister got wings.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How to make a cordbord doll

To  make a  cardboard doll you need
  • googly eyes
  • And cardboard 
  • Construction paper  
  • and yarn or floss.
  • And  mabie some lace to go in its hare. 
  • And gloo and  
  • And mabee morcrs.
  • And olot of othr things.Like pensl and an agsacto nife.
Get a gronups help if you era to young.

So you can make one like this. First drow a prson and then you or your mommy or papi cut it out. Then you put googly eyes. And then you drow a mouth and nose. Wuns your done with that you put cloths on it made out of fabric or papre.  And then you put the hare on it. Then you put on enything elts.

How Horses Can Be

Some horses can be calm.  Some are not calm. I love one horse. Its name is Loki.  He is at the horse stable. And I love Cinnamon, too.